Biron STI Campaign
The Challenge
To support the launch of Biron’s new STI screening service without prescription nor symptoms, we were tasked with developing a strategy and communication campaign to inspire action for people to get tested – a challenging mandate for a generally delicate and uncomfortable subject.
The Solution
We discovered and leveraged the insight that taking care of your sexual health and getting tested regularly is a conscious act and should be part of a healthy lifestyle. We highlighted the discretion, benevolence and understanding of Biron’s services, and helped to put people’s fears to rest by making screening more inviting – because Biron isn’t there to judge, it’s there to support.
To ensure maximum visibility and increase consideration, the creative highlights the message with sensitivity and a light touch. The approach is inclusive and truthful. We shared a list of possible discomforts related to screening, with the preposition Sans (without) used to demonstrate all that Biron is not.
We developed a highly targeted media strategy integral to the creative, aligned with the inclusive message. We maximized impact with bold choices with digital buys aimed at qualified targets on dating apps (Grindr, Tinder and Ashley Madison, to name a few), and on social media. The creative media portion had prominent placements in the Place-des-Arts metro station, with a mural visible on both sides of the platform, as well as content creation with the URBANIA team as part of its Vu d’même segment
The campaign was supported by an ambassador activation to raise awareness of the importance of screening. The squad, dressed in the campaign colors, crisscrossed the streets of Montreal, handing out condoms bearing the message “Condoms are important. So is screening”. To add even more impact and color to the initiative, Zéphyr Bielinski joined the activation to perform a rap around the subject. Messages were also integrated into various targeted podcasts such as Sexe Oral, Couple ouvert and Sans filtre.